Predictive Interaction Design Course -Ā Start Here

Here you can explore the first four chapters of the Predictive Interaction Design course to see if it's right for you.

If you are in New Product Development, Engineering, UX Design, Interaction Design, HCI, Technology Innovation, or conducting research in any these fields - this course provides truly tangible innovation that will elevate your projects and distinguish you in your area. Scroll down or click any of the chapter cards below to get started with the video course.

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3 (Part 1)

Chapter 3 (Part 2)

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Predictive Interaction Design Course - Chapter 1: Welcome & Introduction


This first chapterĀ is an introduction to Predictive Interaction Design. We hopeĀ you find the course useful and an inspiration to better your products, systems and experiences using implementations of Predictive Interaction Design. Scroll down for the next chapter.

Predictive Interaction Design Course - Chapter 2: Fundamentals


In this chapterĀ you're introduced to the fundamentals of Predictive Interaction Design and how it can be applied to create more responsive feelingĀ user experiences. Scroll down for the next chapter.

Predictive Interaction Design Course - Chapter 3 Part 1:Ā Defining Your Intermediary State (Silent Next-State)


In this chapter, weĀ introduce the concept of intermediary states - where systems activate components or run processes ahead of an interaction to increase responsiveness should the interaction occur. Scroll down for the next chapter.

Predictive Interaction Design Course - Chapter 3 Part 2:Ā The Interaction Map & Journey Mapping The Current User Experience


In this chapter you're introduced to the interaction map - the most important template in Predictive Interaction Design which maps out how a system behaves leading up to and after a user interaction.

Unlock the full potential of your product or system design with the complete Predictive Interaction Design course. Gain instant access to the remainingĀ 29 chapters featuring detailed examples and processes focused on enhancing the responsiveness, efficiency and security of products and systems. Plus, download PDFs of all course materials and editable versions of the templates and frameworks you've seen so far.

The course is a great for personal development in the UX, Interaction Design, HCI & Innovation areas, and you'll be provided with a certificate upon completion to share on LinkedIn & other social media.

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